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10 Amazing Android Fitness Apps That You Must Have In Your Phone

Staying fit is the need of the hour in today’s fast-paced world. And the best possible way to achieve your fitness goals is to exercise on a daily basis. But very few people know that their smartphone can become a trusted partner in this activity. There are various Android fitness apps that help people manage their fitness goals feasibly. Let’s know about them.

  1. C25K Couch to 5K by RunDouble

It is a popular fitness app that can transform your improper body shaped into a toned one by making you run 5K. You can create your playlists and listen them during workouts along with several tracking features when you go out running. There is a high level of customization possible in this app and you can achieve your fitness objectives in your own way. It has zero to 10K, 5K to 10K, and half marathon training programs that you can choose to join.

  1. Calorie Counter – MyFitnessPal

There is no doubt that your diet plays a crucial role in making you fit besides regular exercising. Calorie Counter by MyFitnessPal is a nice app that allows you log your calories and carries a database of over four million foods so you can search for what you ate and maintain a calorie consumption record. The app also has a web interface that you can use for your needs. Buy the pro version for $0.99 and discover more for your fitness.

  1. Endomondo

It is known to be one of the most wonderful Android fitness apps in today’s times. From tracking your fitness and performance to recording pep talks for your friends, there are lots of things that you can do with this app. The in app purchases contains a $2.50/month subscription service. With this version, you can build a personal training plan, analyze heart rate, avoid ads, and various more features.

  1. FitNotes Gym Workout Log

At a time when Android smartphones has been driving your fitness goals like nothing else, this app helps you get in shape in a different way. Do whatever you wish to do and this app will keep a log of the same. It is absolutely free with no ads and contains an exercise database to help categorize your workouts.

  1. Google Fit

This app has been in the market for a while and has been recently updated to improve its functionality. It provides superb integration with Android Wear and is a must try option for those who use smartwatch. There is a lot of things that you can choose to do with this app.

  1. Ingress

It won’t be wrong to say that this is more like a game to help you get back into shape. In any fitness regime, encouragement is the key to success and this app provides the same in much better way. There is a classic game where you can roam around and “hack portals” for your commitment.

  1. JEFIT Workout Exercise Trainer

It is much like your personal trainer. Here you can browse through a big database of over 1300 workouts that are presented in an animated way. In addition, it has also the standard fitness tracking along with fitness strategies and there is even a social aspect that you can join.

  1. Pocket Yoga

Over the years, yoga has been emerged out as the most effective way to stay fit and healthy. If you’re ready to go Yoga way, Pocket Yoga must be a part of your fitness regime. You can browse through over 200 Yoga poses along with animations and voice instructions.

  1. Progression

This fitness app has built-in exercise regimes that you can follow and you can create your own. This is extremely beneficial for people with exercise limitations or wish to work on a specific thing (cardio over weight training, for instance).

  1. RunKeeper

It is one of those Android fitness apps that are extremely popular among people. It is much like a performance tracker for people who run daily. From creating running routes to performance tracking, building fitness plans, there are various features that are worth investing your time and efforts.