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5 Android Apps You Shouldn’t Miss This Week

If you’re crazy about Android apps, there is no reason you shouldn’t take a look at the popular Android apps this week. Besides this, you could also check out the latest happenings in the Android world. So, let’s start with news first.

Now check out the below apps.

  1. BlackBerry Hub+ Services

It could be easier for those who have earlier tried BlackBerry Priv as it is very much similar to this. But there is improved focus on software. Irrespective of the Android device you’ve, you can run this app. It provides quick links to other BlackBerry apps, such as texting app and calendar app. The Hub typically just organizes the data from all of these other apps to make it easier for users to use other apps as well.

  1. Verne: The Himalayas

If you’re passionate towards mountains, this app allows you to explore The Himalayan Mountains with a yeti named Verne. This fun-filled app actually presents a 3D Google Maps view of the mountains with some extra information. It is much like a virtual guide which provides you information about certain points and their significance. You can also hang glide, go sledding, and explore the mountains in fabulous ways.

  1. Mobius Final Fantasy

Mobius Final Fantasy released this week only and it carries some kind of distinctiveness from long-running franchise. You’ll be portraying a guy who has lost his memory and will procure the help of friends to find it. Loaded with improved graphics and mechanics, the grandeur in-game cut scenes are worth a watch.

  1. Dropbox Paper Beta

Dropbox Paper Beta is the latest note-taking app by the leading cloud-storage company. It resides between Google Keep and Google Drive in terms of functionality. You would be able to create notes and documents, comment on those documents, and reply to comments. You can choose to invite others on the app to work together on documents as well. This is typically a beta version which means there could be some bugs. You can try it as it is free as of now.

  1. NBC Olympics

Rio Olympics are on their course and if you want to stay updated on the same, this app is just for you. Though it needs some improvement on speed and user experience, but it is worth a download. You can try it at least for Olympics season.