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5 Tips To Fix Android 4.4.4 Battery Life Problems On Your Moto X

The official Android 4.4.4 update for Moto X that started to roll out a few weeks back it was intended to fix the SSL security bug and bring other improvements, but it seems that ended up bringing new bugs and issues with it.

A thread over Motorola’s forum said that the recent Android 4.4.4 update for Moto X did not work properly with the battery. Corresponding to the Moto X users who not long ago downloaded the latest OTA update, their handset now hardly survives a day with very moderate usage.

So unless all Moto X users in the said thread downloaded an application which is diminishing the battery life to almost half, it is clear that the recent Android 4.4.4 update is the culprit for this issue.

By now, there hasn’t been an official comment from Motorola on the issues on the Moto X since the Android 4.4.4-firmware update, but multiple users do speculate that the extra strain on battery and network drops could be co-related.

According to other Moto X users, there are some specific factors which may affect the battery drain of Moto X including cache data and files on apps, poor signal strength can drain the battery when searching for a network regularly, frequency of the network carrier, weak Wi-Fi connection or overheating caused by web browsing, games, streaming or low signal.

Users themselves who have experienced battery life problem on the Motorola Moto X presented their own solutions to prevent high-battery power consumption.

– After updating the Moto X device to Android 4.4.4 KitKat deleting cache data and files of apps can reduce the battery power consumption by going to Settings -> Application -> Select an app -> Clear Data/Cache.

– If you experience poor network reception, switch the network mode into 2G/3G or set your device into Airplane Mode.

– For poor Wi-Fi reception check the “do not connect” option from advanced settings menu on Wi-Fi Settings, to prevent Wi-Fi battery drain.

– If your Moto X device is overheating caused by any factor and drain more battery, make sure that the device is not under direct sunlight and is also well-ventilated.

– Furthermore, you can stop the auto-sync options on Google accounts and Google Play Store to extend battery life.

Are there users of Motorola Moto G, Moto E, Droid Maxx, Droid Mini or Droid Ultra devices that received the same Android 4.4.4 update experiencing the battery drain problem?