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6 Best Calculator Apps For Android

Calculator is the most commonly used tools in everybody’s life. Be it doing the salary calculations in office or estimating the cost for a product sale, calculator is the most intrinsic part of life. The evolution of smartphones has compelled uses to turn to digital calculators available on their mobile. Android is really a great platform for users to make the most out of calculator app. Let’s have a look at top leading calculator apps for Android.


It is basically an emulator and matches the TI series calculators. Users need to furnish their own files. It boasts of excellent support for phones and tablets. It is really pleasurable working on this.

Calculator by Xlythe

It is seriously one of the best calculator apps so far. Being a four-function calculator, this app is best for doing addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. It also includes history, graphing features, base conversions, and more. Its interface is quite easy and moving from one section to other is no big thing. However, one can try Google Calculator which works in a similar way.

Desmos Graphing Calculator

Demos Graphing Calculator is found to be an excellent mobile substitute for the all popular graphing calculators. It is able to do the generic stuff similar to most calculator apps. There is also a full variety of scientific calculator options. It can also perform graphs, tables, stats, and more. Graphs are highly interactive with loads of data to share. In addition, tables and stats can be customized. The app is totally free with no in-app purchases.

Digitalchemy calculator apps

It is actually a developer on Google Play Store and features three calculator apps. The first is Calculator Plus which is a basic calculator that performs everything a normal calculator can do. The next is Fraction Calculator which concentrates primarily on doing fractions. It allows users to make calculations using them without breaking them down into decimal format. This is really wonderful for primary mathematics, particularly kids. The last and final one is Artful Calculator. It’s basically just Calculator Plus but with more creative themes.


It is another popular calculator emulator. Its prominent features are those of normal calculators. They are generally good for academia and similar fields. They feature a plethora of scientific and mathematical calculations. The calculator can be easily programmed by those who have the patience for it. It has a range of uses. That’s really good for college students and other academics. The app is free with no in-app purchases.

Financial Calculators

Financial Calculators is a chain of calculators that help people make the most of their finances. It boasts ofdifferent modes that can perform fast and easy calculation of anything from 401k contributions to student loan repayment, home loan interest, and even the number of taxes you owe out of each pay check. There have been a few issues reported with a few of the modes, but a majority of them work just perfect. Anybody who needs help with calculating their finances should take a look at this app. It’s comes totally free with no in-app purchases.