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6 Samsung Galaxy S8 Tips and Tricks

The Samsung Glaxy S8 is the latest device from the South Korean giant and people are excited about it. So far no issue has been reported in the phone. We are also trying our level best come up with useful information. Here is a list of some useful Samsung Galaxy S8 tips and tricks that you will surely enjoy.



Turning on Smart Select has been one of the least known useful features which have found its way to Galaxy S8 from S7. The manufacturer has adapted this feature to Galaxy S8 and S8 + while integrating it into the edge of the display. The divided panels of the screen provide you to quick access to your apps, tasks, contacts and much more.

In order to activate Smart select, go to Settings > Display > Edge screen > Edge panels and then tap on “Smart select.”  

  1. Edit Screenshots and Turn Videos to Gifs With “Smart Select”

The Smart select feature offers some advanced screenshot functions. You can create and cut square or round image, and immediately split them.  It can also convert videos into animated GIF with this feature. Just find a video from YouTube and convert it into GIF to share it on WhatsApp.  Follow the steps given below:

  1.  How to Discard the Brightness Option

If your smartphone is draining out a lot of battery, try reducing the brightness of the phone. You can do this quickly by simply disabling the Always On Display. Here is how you can do it: move to Settings > Lock screen and security > Always On Display, and deactivate the function.

  1. Keep a Low Screen Timeout

You can limit how long your display stays as the default timeout setting for the S8 is 15 seconds. You can set it to 30 seconds.  Fixing above that means draining your battery. Timeout settings can be adjusted in these steps: Settings > Display > Screen timeout.

  1. Optimize Your Battery Usage

Both of the models of Galaxy S8 and S8 +  have impressive and high resolution displays which can significantly reduce the battery life so you will have to make multiple adjustments to optimize the battery life. There are three other preconfigured modes with the names “Game”, “Entertainment” and “High Performance.”  So you should avoid settings up through Settings > Device management  > Performance.