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Android 4.4.2 OTA Update Now Available for T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy Note 3

If you are an owner for T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy Note 3 smartphone, then you need to know that a new update is now rolling out by using the Over-the-Air (OTA) channel. All that you need to do is to keep an eye on the device’s notification bar panel where you will receive an automatically system notification.

The US carrier T-Mobile, officially released the new Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Android 4.4.2 firmware update starting this week.

The new update brings with new features and tweaks such as transparent status bar, cloud printing, immersive mode, white status bar icons, full screen album art directly on the lock screen, new location menu, color emoji support, and several bug fixes.

More information about the new Android 4.4.2 KitKat update comes on the official T-Mobile’s support page where we can see that the new firmware adds network enhancements and new options where you can enable VoLTE. VoLTE that represent T-Mobile’s Voice Over LTE especially developed to improve voice quality and to add a faster call connection time.

As you probably know that, the new Android 4.4.2 KitKat update for Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is pushed out in stages, this thing means that not all device’s owners will receive the automatically update’s notification on the same time and some of you might not be able to download and install the same right away.

Once the new update is available for your device on its notification bar, all that you need to do is to tap on it and then follow the on-screen instructions. If the new automatically update notification failed to appear, you can do a manual check under the next patch: Settings > More > System manager > About device > Software update > Check for software updates.

Moreover, if you want to install the new update by using the KIES software you need to connect the device by using its original USB cable to PC, open the KIES software, find the new update and follow on-screen instructions.


The new update software is called software version N900TUVUDNF4 and it can have either 26.00 MB or 188.00 MB and that’s why it’s recommended to use a stable WiFi connection in order to download it if you don want to damage your carrier’s data plan.

Are there any T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy Note 3 owners who receive the new OTA Android 4.4.2 KitKat update?