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Android 4.4.4 Update Now Available For OnePlus One

OnePlus One users should keep an eye on their devices because the company has begun to rollout Android 4.4.4. KitKat update via over-the-air. The Android 4.4.4 OTA update for OnePlus One is rolling out in stages, but all OnePlus Ones smartphones should get a new update by the end of the week.

Along with the update you will receive new features and additions but also bug fixes.

Once you upgrade your OnePlus One to the latest version of Android you will experience some improvements such as new colder calibration for the display, Google Apps updates, proximity sensor that will prevent activation of off-screen gestures while it is in your pocket, increased capacitive button illumination, improved overall stability and Clear Image feature for shooting photos at a better quality.

Moreover, the new Android 4.4.4 KitKat update will add several fixes such as Quiet Hours Vibration bug, lock screen not updating the track information during playback bug, microphone volume for all formats in the Voice Recorder app, the issue of OK Google not launching Voice Search in Google Now, Viber Calls, PicasaSync, Camera “O” gesture activating lock screen instead of triggering camera and more.

The rollout of Android 4.4.4 KitKat update for OnePlus One devices has been confirmed on OnePlus One forums, so you should soon receive an update notification.

Additionally you can check your OnePlus One’s software update menu and if the KitKat 4.4.4 firmware is available for your device then you just need to confirm the download.