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Clean Master 5.8.6 APK for Android available for Free Download

Clean master for Android is one of the most trusted applications to optimize for your phone. With this application more than 400 of mobile phones are cleaned every day.

Clean master is an application that is necessary, it is an application perfect when your mobile phone based on the operating system Android has become lazy, if you want to release more space or to stop different processes running.

In this way Clean Master comes with skills to cleaning space in the phone’s memory or SD, improves speed, stop overheating device and protects your phone against vulnerabilities or various dangerous attacks.

Highlights of Clean Master application for Android

Clean master is accurate, which was examined for millions of mobile phones and applications we can say that this application can to clean in an efficient and precise way your device’s cache, and any residual files in your phone.

Fast & Intuitive: It is easy to use thanks to a UI very fast and easy to use, plus with its effects of transition.

Moreover, CM is also a professional and quality service anti-virus, it can scan your phone in just 8 seconds, approximately 500% more than any antivirus paid application.

With the help of Clean Master your device may be cooled and help you to know what applications lead to overheat.

Junk File Cleaning Delete the cache and residual files from your device, boost speed and give more performance for your Android device and SD card.

Even CPU device is favored with CPU BOOST function which calculates how long it is used for applications that are running on the device.

MEMORY BOOST is another function for the release RAM and gain speed for your device. This feature can be used directly from the device’s homescreen and with only a tap the device’s memory will be optimized.

If you want to uninstall unwanted application or bloatware or to back up important ones you can use the APP Manager feature. If your device is rooted then you will be able to move applications to the SD card as well and to uninstall pre-installed and system applications.

Clean Master app comes with support for numerous language such as: Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Malay

Antivirus Scan feature helps you to keep your device safe from viruses, vulnerabilities, Trojans, adware and spyware. So, with this function you can keep your privacy safe and all your personal information from your Android based device.

Download Clean Master 5.8.6 APK for Android from here or its latest Play Store version from here.

When you want to install the Clean Master some requested permissions are necessary such as: camera permission and microphone permissions, these two permissions are listed together even if only one is used.