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Dolphin Browser Beta V11 Brings New Adaptive UI, Improved Right Sidebar And More

One of the browsers that Google continues to improve with updates is Dolphin Browser.

The latest beta for Dolphin Browser V11 comes with a new UI that adapts to different screen sizes and with many new features.

One of the most important features is the support for One Tap, the official Dolphin extension, a tool that floats on your device and gives you seamless access to webpages you’ve visited, even when you are using another app.

We will also find a side menu; that can be activated by swiping from the right, which includes six fast actions such as “full screen”, “bookmarks”, “night mode”, “desktop mode”, “private mode” and “no pictures” for faster loading of web pages.

Also, as we already mentioned, it also includes One Tap add-on shortcut to allow Dolphin to float.

In addition, the bottom menu and the settings have been reorganized and also the reload button has been moved up like it is in Chrome and also added cloud tabs and the possibility of returning to the recently closed pages and over 40 themes for customization.

While it is still a bit away from getting a final version, you can test the beta Dolphin Browser V11 but first you must register as a beta tester in the Google+ community and then download it from the Play Store.