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Download Android 4.4 KitKat Wallpapers from Google Nexus 5 device totally free

As you probably hear that, Google has just launched the Nexus 5 smartphone equipped with the latest Android 4.4 KitKat OS.  The new operating system brings with the new features, enhancements, functions, and media application to increase the Android users’ experience.

Today, with this article we will give you the opportunity to download nine beautiful wallpapers that are available with the newest Android 4.4 Jelly Bean OS and Google Nexus 5 device. The wallpapers can be downloaded directly on your smartphone using the link, you should save them on your smartphone and after that you can start using them.

After you downloaded the zip file, all that you have to do is to extract the zip archive and then to select which image you like to be your wallpaper background for your device.

The colorful images that are available with this zip file are provided for devices with 5’ and these images can be found only on the Nexus 5 device.

The wallpapers come featured by a 3966 x 2644 resolution, while the other images are set to have 3966 x 3966 pixels, which means that you can use them as background wallpaper for any type of devices (not only for devices with Android OS).

For those who are out of the loop,  the Android 4.4 is named KitKat and has been released with Google Nexus 5 device. This latest Android OS is expected also by other devices in the Nexus family as an official OTA notification soon. Unfortunately, there is no official release date, but we hope this event should happen until the end of November.

Download the Android 4.4 KitKat wallpapers pack using this link. The wallpapers images are from Google Nexus 5 device.

Note: After you downloaded the zip file on your device you need an application capable to extract the zip files. After the downloaded zip file is successfully extracted go to your Gallery application and browse for all Nexus 5 wallpapers. Select one favorite image and set it as a new default wallpaper for your device.