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Download MX Player 1.7.21 for Android, latest compatible codecs and [APK] version included

One of the most popular video player applications for Android-based device, MX Player received a new update, namely version 1.7.21.

The new version of MX Player application is available via Google Play Store starting with this week, and it comes with a series of improvements, stability and bug fixes.

The new code comes along support for the latest Android 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 KitKat Operating Systems. Additionally, the new version fixed crashing on some Android 4.3 and 4.4 devices.

According to its developer team the custom codec for MX Player 1.7.20 is not compatible with this new version, and they advise us to install latest custom codec. If you don’t have the correct codec version then you can download it totally free from below:

Download: MX Player Codec (MIPS), or MX Player Codec (MIPS) 1.7.21 APK file from here.

MX Player Codec (x86), or MX Player Codec (x86) 1.7.21 APK file from here.

MX Player Codec (ARMv7), or the MX Player Codec (ARMv7) 1.7.21 APK from here.

MX Player Codec (ARMv7 NEON), or the MX Player Codec (ARMv7 NEON) 1.7.21 APK from here.

MX Player Codec (ARMv6),  or the MX Player Codec (ARMv6) 1.7.21 APK from here.

MX Player Codec (ARMv6 VFP) or the MX Player Codec (ARMv6 VFP) 1.7.21 APK from here.

For our readers who are not in the loop, the MX Player application allows you to watch movies directly on their Android smartphones and tablets.

All users can download the latest MX Player for Android 1.7.21 version totally free from Google Play Store from the following link.

Also you can download the MX Player for Android APK version from next:MX Player [APK], MX Player (NEON) [APK].

The APK file should be downloaded and installed after it has been downloaded on your Android device.

Note: the latest MX Player application works with all devices running Android 2.1 and higher.