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How to Fix the “Too Much Light” Error on PSVR

Have you ever noticed a problem of excess lighting while playing on your PlayStation VR?

The PSVR and Move Controllers are really much affordable as compared to the Rifts and Vives of the global, but that low price comes with a few drawbacks. Contrary to other headsets, the PSVR employs bright lights that are tracked by the PS4 Camera, which can be influenced by external elements.

For people living in the bright regions of the world, there are chances that your PS4 Camera might face problems due to excess lighting from your PSVR or Move Controllers.

What’s the solution?

The direct answer is to block the light and maintain darkness. Controlling the influx of light is the most prominent way to deal with the problems. However, we have certain pointers given below.

Camera position

Have you realisedthat when you capture a picture of an individual with the sun behind them the camera makes them a dark shadow? The real problem takes place on the PSVR too. Go and move the camera so it plugs away from any direct sources if feasible. Obviously this is not possible all the time if you want it near your TV but remember, you don’t need your TV to play VR, so it is viable to move the camera to house that.

Blinds and Curtains

This is pretty simple but using the curtains or blinds will immediately fix this issue. In areas the light still pours through blinds; by closing them the light disperses enough for the PSVRs blue light to be chased. There is news that Sony worked on this issue before the release so this only really happens at outlying cases.


You can choose to build a dedicated VR room, using artificial light sources. This way, you can control every aspect of your VR experience.

Though this option can be used to deal with the situation, managing light given in the first two options is certainly the best way to go forward.

If you have any suggestions or pictures of your VR layouts we would love to see them. Move over to the VRHeads Forum to show them to us!