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Google Hangouts v 2.1.223 adds custom ringtone options and SMS block list [APK]

Not only YouTube received update recently, another user’s favorite app for Android devices that received update is the Google Hangouts app. The Hangouts updates from version 2.1.100 to version 2.1.223 which means that if we consider by numbers, this is not a major update, but it is a little more than just bug fixes adding a few new features also.

With the new update installed in the device, Hangouts users will be able to attach custom ringtones for selected contacts, feature that was absent in the app before, and that many users will consider very useful.

In addition to the new custom ringtone options, Google Hangouts updated has also added an SMS block list that displays all the blocked contacts in one place in the form of a list that makes it easy to unblock contacts if you choose so. Before this update Hangouts just supported blocking individual SMS contacts, without displaying it. The newest update also adds Hidden Contacts feature.

If you want to hide a contact just long-press on a Hangouts contact, and  that person will no more appear in your list of Hangouts contacts but if you want to restore them, it will show up in the hidden menu.
Google has also fixed the battery draining problem in this update and some other minor changes with an amount of bug fixes added to Google Hangouts v 2.1.223.
The newest version will be available for download from Google Play Store soon because usually the rollouts occur in stages, meaning that it may take some days until you will be able to pick it up.
The application requires devices running Android 2.3 or a newer version.
Until Google Hangouts for Android updated will be available in Play Store, you can download the APK from this link. The APK is signed by Google and will upgrade your existing app.