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Google Maps for Android v8.2 Now Available with Voice Actions In Navigation feature [Download APK]

Google Maps has received an update bringing it to version 8.2 and adding several interesting new features.

The update will be available in the Google Play Store soon, but because this update comes gradually will probably take several days.
Google Maps users will now be able to execute Voice commands within the app, but at the moment voice actions are pretty limited and require users to experiment with what works. However basic commands like asking Google Maps app to show routes, display traffic, give a route overview or show the time left until you reach your destination works fine.

Bike paths now show the levels of altitude of the route in the new version of Maps and My Places is now shown in the navigation menu. The “voice” icon replaces the previous one(“person”) in the search bar to load the “My Places” and the Uber card is now displayed as a mean of transport.

If you do not want to wait until the Google Maps for Android is ready for download from Google Play Store you can download the apk from here.

Thanks to Android Police team you can take a look on how Google Maps v8.2 behaves in the video from below: