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Google Play Games v 2.0 Introduces Level-Up Notification Controls, XP Rankings, And UI Changes [Download APK]

Google Play Games has received a major upgrade to version 2.0 lately, which introduced inside many of the novelties presented at Google I / O and released through Google Play Services including Level-up notification controls, XP rankings, and also UI changes.

Level-up notification controls with a new card on the “Play Now” screen shows users their XP level and how significant XP they will need to level up.
The inbox that before was reserved just for game invitations includes now separate tabs for invitations, searches, and rewards.

Now in fact we can see this app from our missions, as well as receive notifications when our level rise, through the achievement of various objectives.
The graphics have also been retouched and makes our competitiveness by comparing the player’s progress that we have selected.

Play Games has abandoned the “Shop” destination from the hamburger menu, opting for a tile on the “Explore” view which heads to the Play Store. The combined “Help & Feedback” button has also been realized. The order of tabs in “My Games” also has changed, and the “Al My Games” tab has smaller cards, providing for extra games to be displayed on the screen at once. Plus, the “Players” interface reveals other players’ levels and applies full-width cards.

If you want to try Google Play Games now, download the apk from here; otherwise you’ll have to wait a few days for Google to push this download to your devices.