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Google Play services 6.7.74 (1723905-430) APK download for Android

The search giant, Google released a new version of its Play Services package for Android devices.

The new iteration comes on all Android smartphones and tablets with features that allow Google to push various services and new improvements to different devices without having to push out an actual Operating System update.

There usually aren’t notable changes in this update, but we can see there, as the Android Police note that this version will come with an experimental Smart Unlock method based on Activity Recognition. In addition, the new version of the app comes with “Drive-enabled apps” renamed to “Data management”.

As I told you before, there aren’t any other notable changes but the new version of the application will be automatically installed on your device in the next days or weeks. Alternatively, you can choose to download and install this new version of the Google Play application such as an APK version by visiting the download link below.

Download Google Play Service 6.7.74 APK file.

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