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Have you noticed that one feature in Google Now launcher which is missing?

There is hardly any doubt in the fact that Stock Android is an extremely popular term in the Android industry. It is difficult to ignore those fabulous animations, enhanced integration of Google Now, and the effortless flow that delivers a smoother, refreshing user experience to users. Google Now Launcher permits Android smartphone users to enjoy a pleasant experience that is much alike stock Android. But have you noticed that it is missing one important element. Let’s know about the same.

Feasible consistency

Due to the unlimited opportunities available in terms of devices and UIs, Android is all-time favorite for manufacturers. This is why we find very few people end up with a Nexus running stock Android. And thanks to Google Now Launcher which makes things extremely fruitful.

If you carry a smartphone that doesn’t run Stock Android, it is better to move to Google Now Launcher in the Play Store and install it on your device.

Google Now Launcher is truly wonderful: Users get Google Now cards located within feasible reach to the right of your home screen, the ultimately convenient Google search bar, and Material Design beauty to browse through almost everything.

The missing element

However, despite its fabulous features there is one major problem with Google Now Launcher; it’s missing a feature that several people may not notice in the initial stage: icon pack support.

If you choose to install Google Now Launcher on a Samsung Galaxy S7, you’ll get jammed with the garish color scheme that Samsung prefers for its apps. For many users, it might be a big downside which restricts them from creating the standardized Material Design experience they look for.

However, there is an endless range of superb icon packs out in the market that make use of Material Design, and any one of them can be picked if one wants to make the best use of Google Now Launcher at any point of time. Though icon packs often face problems of missing icons, there are some, such as Retrorika, which is used to apply a filter to apps that haven’t had an icon designed yet. This tends to make them merge in almost perfectly with the overall presence.

If you used Google Now Launcher, and found yourself unable to use custom icon packs, don’t forget to drop a comment below.