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The Google I/O unveils Android 4.5 or Android 5.0? Rumors and what to expect

As we are near to the Google I / O 2014 event, the first signs prepared for KitKat’s successor arise. As you probably know, it will be called Lollipop, and the new version will be Android 4.5.
It seems that it will unify Chrome, Android and Search in a single package very attractive. Google is going to change the Android interface that we knew before, and the concept will be based on the Project now named Hera. It unifies Android and Chrome and Search under one umbrella and brings multitasking to a whole new interface.
At this time multitasking on Android is static and shows recently used apps. Hera will use an HTML5-style interface and allow users to interact with the application without opening it. With the help of Hera, actions on the Chrome browser from the desktop could be easily ported to smartphones.
Google would have a significant advantage over Apple, the idea being to make the transition from PC to the phone smoother without to notice that we changed the device.

Hera could be based on Chromium platform, and HTML5 apps could run natively on Android.
Many people think that the first devices that will run Lollipop are Nexus 10, Nexus 7, Nexus 5, and Nexus 4, but no one knows when this will happen since nothing has been officially announced.

Android Geeks did a recap, and they think that the mentioned devices will run Android 4.5 in about a month after Google I/O conference.
If we refer to the behavior of Google and that they have released two incremental updates a year, the predictions of the Android Geeks might be real.

Other rumors relate to Android version 5.0 due to a teaser posted by Google some time ago through an image.

A clear indicator of the change of operating system is that in the image posted at the corner of the screen there is not written 4:40 like at the KitKat terminals, but 5:00. The tradition of including one hour that are consistent with the OS version dates back to Gingerbread.
Google’S posting is innocent; it represents an image with 3 Nexus 5 models that display information from the World Cup via Google Now.

Tweet posted just two weeks before Google I /O 2014 it is a clear sign that something  is prepared for us on the event.

As we said many expect to be the next Android version 4.5 Lollypop, but version 5.0 is also expected. The folks at Android Police have learned that there will be changes in design and wrote about Quantum Paper. Quantum Paper is a common framework of design for developers, which they can create a unified experience of OS’s on each terminal. This includes tablets and smartphones and PCs. At the basis of this concept stands Polymer, a web component which developers can work with to create applications.

The Google I / O is near, and only at that time we will know more.