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Top 10 best music apps for Android smartphone and tablet in 2014

Applications make the difference between a regular phone and a smartphone. So we cannot talk about a smartphone without apps for music, and if you get bored of the music player that comes bundled with your Android smartphone we propose you to experiment a number of applications that surely will convince you that music played on the phone can be a much more fun experience.
We all love music and want to hear even when we eat, play, walk or sleep. If you are passionate about music of every kind and looking for an app to satisfy your need to listen to music constantly, the ones I put in what follows can be downloaded to your Android device and are placed in random order. I arranged the applications according to our personal preferences, but you can choose the ones that they fit you best.

Certainly you happened to hear in a bar or on the radio a song that you loved it immediately and you wanted to know what it is called and who plays. Well, Shazam is the application that gets you out of trouble. Simply install it and it will recognize almost every song whether it is brand new or an old one. Shazam is the application that helps you identify the tracks you hear. With this application, your smartphone listen and analyze the song you want to identify and within seconds tells you the artist and the track you are listening. It is free and available in Shazam Play Store.

Pandora® internet radio

Pandora is an application that creates a station that uses artists, composers, genres of music or songs, coupled the flow of playlists with your interests. Thus, Pandora creates you radio stations based on a particular artist or song. Pandora for mobiles is fully synchronized with the desktop application so that they will remember all your preferences and positions. The app can be downloaded from here.

TuneIn Radio

TuneIn Radio app permits you to listen to radio stations from around the world direct from your Android smartphone or tablet. You can choose to listen to any radio station live from any country by selecting a radio station’s current location, genre or program (news or sports programs).

TuneIn offers you 100,000 radio stations and more than 2 million podcasts, concerts and shows.
It can be downloaded free from TuneIn Radio Play Store, and requires Android 2.3 or up.


TuneWiki app is a very pleasant experience due to the multiple functions it has. You can listen to music, radio, you can see videos or discover new music all in one place.

With this application, you can find the names of certain songs on the radio or by road in just second. Also, with TuneWiki you can find lyrics for each song and sync with a song to make karaoke. In TuneWiki network, you can find people with the same musical preferences where you can share your favorite songs.

Among the features and functionalities is a very nice player playback, with SongMap you can find what the people around you listen, you can distribute music and lyrics. You can also synchronize lyrics for karaoke songs, you can create playlists that you can then edit, and more the lyrics can be translated into several languages.

For more information and to download, visit the Google Play Store, your device must be operating Android 2.2 or newer.


Spotify is a music streaming unlimited special application that offers over 15 million songs. In an era where music piracy is violent, Spotify has changed the way users interact with music. The app provides you access to millions of tracks and makes your experience completely social. You can see what music your friends listen through Facebook or Twitter and discover new music. Spotify is free and can be downloaded free for your Android smartphone or tablet from Google Play Store, and for premium use is purchased at the price of $ 10 a month, and you can listen to music offline even when Wifi is not available.


Songza is an online music service whose benefits you can enjoy on Android. Once installed the application on your Android device, Songza lets you listen to your favorite music and create your own playlists, depending on factors such as mood, genre. All you have to do is choose the activity you do while listening to music (exercise, cleaning, driving, cooking) and the application will make a playlist for you.

Songza also allows you to keep up with the musical activity of your friends and get inspired by their preferences.

Download it now from  Songza Play Store link and Songza will build a streaming music collection that you will love it.

n7 Player Music Player

n7player Music Player is a free audio player that can play MP3 audio files, mp4, m4a, wav, ogg, mid, 3gp, XMF, mkv, aac, flac. n7player Music Player running on Android supports importing a playlist and benefits of the equalizer, the interface is well organized with a rich animation, plus it has integrated lockscreen.

Other functions you can see in  n7 Player Music Player Google Play link; your device must be operating Android 2.2 or above.

Google Play Music

Among the Google Play services, probably the most famous is the music playing. With it, you can access all of the songs and albums purchased from the store, and local media files.

One of the most engaging features of Google Play Music is that you can organize your own music library with up to 20,000 songs on your computer, which can be accessed from anywhere. The songs are automatically uploaded and stored online and you can download or play music using your Android device.
Download Google Play Music app from Google Play Music Store link and you can listen to your music collection anywhere from your Android device.

Meet a tremendous opportunity for music lovers on Android.

You can listen, communicate and share various original musical compositions.

SoundCloud allows anyone on the Internet to release audio recordings or musical compositions fit for young singers who want to assert. SoundCloud is an interesting service that enables you to post the audio file on your personal site by providing an HTML or HTML5 that can be customized to suit the theme you have on your site. SoundCloud has a large integration with social networks like Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr enabling you to fast and only share your favorite music with your friends on the favorite social networks.

With a simple SoundCloud account that can be created using the Facebook account you already own or the email address, you can encounter people interested in the same genre as yours find inspiration if you are a growing artist or eventual collaborators. You can hear music posted by different users or young singers, sound effects search is extremely useful for those working in audio and video processing, you can find audio books and even dedicated songs.
You find the application for your Android device here, free for download.


Deezer is a music discovery and streaming service that offers over 13 million songs and over 30 000 radio stations. The interface provided by the app for Android is very pleasant and easy to use. We can search for songs using the search bar or can browse lists of those in the charts, including by genre. Then we have a radio and they sorted by gender, and also we can seek artists and songs. In chapter playlist is offered from the start the selection of the week by Deezer but we can create also our own lists.

The application offers also a premium version that brings many advantages such as to have access to personal playlists offline or listen to music without advertising interruption and more. To download the app on your Android device, visit Deezer Play Store Link.

We’d love to know what applications you use to listen to your favorite music so you can share with us your opinions in the comments section below.