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4 Powerful Android Music Widgets That You Will Love

Music is one of the most important widgets of smartphone home screen. There is a problem, however, that popular music streaming widgets don’t look great. They have ugly buttons; they don’t resize well and also don’t gel properly with the wallpaper theme.  

Read Also: 4 Best Music Player Apps for Android

The role of music widgets is running your notifications and pulling your current track information from them. That means these third-party music widgets can see text message notifications and other sensitive notifications. So you need to be very careful while installing them. Here is a list of few trusted android music widgets for your phone:


Most of these are paid music widgets, but they are worth the price. After all, quality never comes cheap. So if you are fed up with your music widget, it’s time to dump them. If you haven’t tried a third-party music widget, shed your fear and use them from the provided list. You won’t repent your decision for sure. They will enhance your music listening experience to a whole new level. What else do you want. Have you started downloading the widget? Its time to do it now.