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Download Odin 3.10.7

In mythology, Odin is a widely revered as a God, associated with healing, death, royalty, knowledge, the gallows, battle or sorcery, but in technology, it’s is a tool designed to help Samsung users to manually update their Android devices to a new official Android firmware.

The Odin v3.10.7 app has been released to be used for the Android 6.X Marshmallow and older firmware versions.

The Odin app is to be used only by advanced users, in case you are a beginner and you’ve never flashed anything before it is better to not try to use the Odin program to upgrade your Samsung device, as it may end up bricked.

Odin3_V3.10.7 How To Use It + Download

Please note that the first boot of a newly flashed ROM will take around 10 minutes before it completes.

You can download ODIN3_v3.10.7 from here.