Android News

Sony Xperia Z3v Now Getting Android 4.4.4 Update at Verizon

A new software update is now available for download for the owners of an Xperia Z3v device from Sony Ericson on Verizon carrier. The new software update for Xperia Z3v device arrives at Verizon Wireless as update Android 4.4.4 KitKat version number 23.0.E.1.44.

According to the support PDF website the new Sony Xperia Z3v Android 4.4.4 update is now being rolled out to users. The new operating system flavor brings along a series of fixes and enhancements especially developed for improving the performances of your Sony Xperia Z3v smartphone.

Some of the main enhancements that the new Android 4.4.4 KitkAT upgrade brings along with include the new reduce mobile data notifications during calls possibility, improved NFC performance, simplify access to e-mail notification settings feature, the implement font size and layout improvements, Ensure emails with HTML links are displayed without a clickable link.

In addition, it comes with new updates and optimizations such as update the Lifelog notification text to guide the user on how to put their device into high accuracy mode, update Lifelog default height and weight measurements to standard, optimization for oversized email retransmit to reduce data usage, Modified group MMS to minimize “Message Expired or Not Available” condition and more.

Users will be notified on the availability of the new Android 4.4.4 KitKat software update with a system update message in the device’s notifications bar. Of course, the new update for your Xperia Z3v is being released in phases. All that you need to do is to tap on the notification message, then choose ‘Download now’, wait to complete the download process, and tap ‘Install now’. The device should get a reboot and install the new update.

Alternatively, if the system update message failed to be displayed, users can do a manual check under Settings > About phone > Software updates > Check now.

Users are encouraged to download and install it on their handsets by using a stable WiFi network even if the new firmware file shouldn’t be bigger than 100 MB, to avoid unwanted data charges. Note that the new update installation process should take no longer than 10 to 15 minutes to be completed.

Are there any Xperia Z3v users among you? Have you received the new OTA firmware update? Please let us know in comments.


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